About Me

My photo
Joy Serves G*d in Joy as a passionate performing percussionist, poet, publisher, photographer, publicist, sound healer, spiritual guide, artist, gardener and Gemini. "Ivdu Et Hashem B'Simcha" -Psalm 100:2 ....... Joy Krauthammer, active in the Jewish Renewal, Feminist, and neo-Chasidic worlds for over three decades, kabbalistically leads Jewish women's life-cycle rituals. ... Workshops, and Bands are available for all Shuls, Sisterhoods, Rosh Chodeshes, Retreats, Concerts, Conferences & Festivals. ... My kavanah/intention is that my creative expressive gifts are inspirational, uplifting and joyous. In gratitude, I love doing mitzvot/good deeds, and connecting people in joy. In the zechut/merit of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt'l, I mamash love to help make our universe a smaller world, one REVEALING more spiritual consciousness, connection, compassion, and chesed/lovingkindness; to make visible the Face of the Divine... VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE and enjoy all offerings.... For BOOKINGS write: joyofwisdom1 at gmail.com, leave a COMMENT below, or call me. ... "Don't Postpone Joy" bear photo montage by Joy. Click to enlarge. BlesSings, Joy

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Joy teaches at AJU

Joy teaches at 
American Jewish University
 and invites YOU to register.  :)

Sundays, March 11 & March 18, 2012

Miriyahm HaNeviah  
Do you share Miriyahm's Joyous Attributes and Song?

Sunday, March 11, 10am - 12:30pm
course # 12WD7JJK

Class registrations close Monday prior to each Sunday class.

Kabbalistically Count the Sephirat HaOmer 
Joyously Prepare for 49 Days

Sunday, March 18, 10am - 12:30pm
 course # 12WD7J81

For more info:

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I'm always happy to offer these workshops at other venues.

Simchat Chochmah ~ Joy of Wisdom

Illuminating the Joy of G*d's Holiest #7

For more info:

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Hamsa Copper Pendant

Joy Loves Being Jewish
Hamsa, metal etching on copper pendant
with design and textures by Joy 2012
taught by Ruth Shapiro with pre-cut hamsa
& Ruth curled wires
 © Joy Krauthammer

I loved making the Hamsa pendant after I was initially frustrated working with difficult tools.
Process then became meditative working with the acid.
When I was young, I loved doing copper hammering and then cloisonne' on copper.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bead Necklace

First bead necklace I have ever made was at Lev Eisha's retreat, Dancing With My Soul. 
Jeweler Suzanne Gallant added clasp for me. 
I enjoyed choosing the happy beads. 
Even when half fell off when I dropped it before adding clasp, it was fun to add the many beads all over again. The pattern changed. 
Fun to add a heart bead, and a couple music cymbal-shaped beads. 
Feels joyous and colorful to me.
Jan. 25, 2015

© Joy Krauthammer  1.25.2015